What is this?
zsh-users/zsh-completions * GitHub
This projects aims at gathering/developing new completion scripts that are not available in Zsh yet. The scripts are meant to be contributed to the Zsh project when stable enough.
% mkdir ~/.zsh
% cd ~/.zsh
% git clone git://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-completions.git
% vim ~/.zshrc
fpath=(~/.zsh/zsh-completions/src $fpath)
autoload -U compinit
% source ~/.zshrc
How it works (on FreeBSD)?
% pkg [Tab]
add -- Registers a package and installs it on the system
audit -- Reports vulnerable packages
autoremove -- Removes orphan packages
backup -- Backs-up and restores the local package database
check -- Checks for missing dependencies and database consistency
clean -- Cleans old packages from the cache
convert -- Convert database from/to pkgng
create -- Creates software package distributions
fetch -- Fetches packages from a remote repository
help -- Displays help information
info -- Displays information about installed packages
install -- Installs packages from remote package repositories
query -- Queries information about installed packages
register -- Registers a package into the local database
remove delete -- Deletes packages from the database and the system
repo -- Creates a package repository catalogue
rquery -- Queries information in repository catalogues
search -- Performs a search of package repository catalogues
set -- Modifies information about packages in the local database
shell -- Opens a debug shell
shlib -- Displays which packages link against a specific shared library
stats -- Displays package database statistics
update -- Updates package repository catalogues
updating -- Displays UPDATING information for a package
upgrade -- Performs upgrades of packaged software distributions
version -- Displays the versions of installed packages
which -- Displays which package installed a specific file
It shows not only commands but help documents.