I installed FreeBSD 10.0 on my ConoHa VPS. Fortunately, ConoHa prepared a FreeBSD 10.0 image to make installation easy.

In this installation, I enabled virtio and Root-on-ZFS. ConoHa allows us to use virtio by default. Automatic Root-on-ZFS is one of the features of FreeBSD 10.0. Before 10.0, we had troubles in setting Root-on-ZFS.

Now, several results for commands/experiments are shown below.

Benchmark for virtio

Notice: there is no result when virtio is disabled.

# /usr/bin/time dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/foo bs=16384 count=16384
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
268435456 bytes transferred in 0.468838 secs (572554847 bytes/sec)
0.47 real         0.00 user         0.39 sys

OK, good result is shown. ConoHa’s disk I/O speed is near to Sakura’s one.

cf. さくらVPSにFreeBSD 9.0R を入れて virtio化したらディスク爆速すぎワロタ! - 俺の日記

Details of file system


If you choose “ZFS Automatic Root-on-ZFS (Experimental)” in a partitioning section, your file system will be like as below.

% zfs list
zroot                856M  95.1G   144K  none
zroot/ROOT           852M  95.1G   144K  none
zroot/ROOT/default   852M  95.1G   852M  /
zroot/tmp            184K  95.1G   184K  /tmp
zroot/usr            632K  95.1G   144K  /usr
zroot/usr/home       200K  95.1G   200K  /usr/home
zroot/usr/ports      144K  95.1G   144K  /usr/ports
zroot/usr/src        144K  95.1G   144K  /usr/src
zroot/var           1.31M  95.1G   684K  /var
zroot/var/crash      148K  95.1G   148K  /var/crash
zroot/var/log        212K  95.1G   212K  /var/log
zroot/var/mail       144K  95.1G   144K  /var/mail
zroot/var/tmp        152K  95.1G   152K  /var/tmp
% df -h
Filesystem            Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
zroot/ROOT/default     96G    852M     95G     1%    /
devfs                 1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev
zroot/tmp              95G    184K     95G     0%    /tmp
zroot/usr/home         95G    200K     95G     0%    /usr/home
zroot/usr/ports        95G    144K     95G     0%    /usr/ports
zroot/usr/src          95G    144K     95G     0%    /usr/src
zroot/var              95G    684K     95G     0%    /var
zroot/var/crash        95G    148K     95G     0%    /var/crash
zroot/var/log          95G    212K     95G     0%    /var/log
zroot/var/mail         95G    144K     95G     0%    /var/mail
zroot/var/tmp          95G    152K     95G     0%    /var/tmp


It is easy to install FreeBSD on ConoHa and enable virtio. Additionally, Root-on-ZFS works well. Further details will be written in other articles.